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Don’t Be A Hindrance

Bandaids do not heal. It’s just a way to prevent infection from spreading to keep the wound clean. The work must be done to heal, antibiotics,  cleaning of the debrie surrounding the wound along with proper nutrition, and rest is a better approach.

In order for our spiritual healing to take place, we must see the real doctor, our savior, Yeshua.  We must feel his love and the want he has for us. We must all worry about our own salvation and work that needs to be done. Pointing fingers at other people’s sins is a deviation from God’s plans for you.

Don’t be a hindrance in the salvation of others by imposing your views and interpretation of God’s laws or what you think God should be doing.  Our salvation is between Aba and us.

Love one another. That was his commandment.

Before we are born, we get nourishment,  oxygen, and love from the one who was appointed by God to be the host of his creation.  He breathed the air into our lungs when we were born and continues to be the breath of life till we join him again in our true home.

There is nothing or anyone that can ever break that connection with our Aba. We may stray, we may try to destroy his creation with the things we do lead by dark forces, but in the end, we belong to him. It may appear on the outside that  damage has been done, but remember, our bodies are temporary, and our soul is eternal. He only sees our souls and our souls once washed by the Blood of Yeshua,  can’t ever be lost, just temporarily misguided by the things of the world.  He knows and has a plan.

All he wants from you is love and devotion. One step at a time. Church, please stop pushing God’s children further away.

About Mark Angelo Lives

Life changes, we can grow or stay stuck where we are, I choose to feel and to make mistakes as I grow. Mark Angelo is a broadcaster, musician, writer, educator, and believer in Love/Christ And Spiritual Growth. As a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Master Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Occupational Therapist, I have taken wellness one step further. If you enjoy my work feel free to donate via PayPal or become a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TransitionRadioShow


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