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Intimacy With The Same Gender Is A Slippery Slope

Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels.com

So where do I begin? Well, I guess from the beginning. A few years ago when I first returned to my real sex, the one I was born as, there was a comment left on one of the interviews that I did from an apparent “Christian” woman that caught my attention. I say apparently because now through the years, I have learned that you cannot underestimate the enemy and how he can fool you with people, you think you know someone well, but in reality, you don’t.

This woman became very intrigued by me and started watching many of my videos. She proceeded to contact me and before I knew it, we became “friends”. She seemed to have lots of Biblical knowledge, and I felt that a good mentor would be appropriate, seeing that I was wanting to learn as much as I could about Jesus and God’s word. To make a long story short, and for the sake of keeping it simple, she wanted me to be the God Mother of her child and considered me her “Bestie” after a few months of interaction. I was thrilled to have a female friend without any strings attached or any intimacy involved. She lived with her husband, and never once told me that he was violent, he did have a gambling problem but other than that, it was the brunt of it, so I thought.

I was heading to Miami and leaving Silver City New Mexico behind to be with my then ill mother when she asked me to go visit her before I went home. I agreed, and I thought wow, I get to meet my best friend and Godchild, I felt what a blessing that was. The encounter was a bit overwhelming, I was greeted with flowers, a matching shirt, perfume, you name it, she paid for me to stay at a suite, almost like a romantic getaway. I didn’t think much of it, or I tried not to, I even made videos sharing how there were no feelings of that kind on my part, but it seems she felt different.

Fast forward some more, when I got back together with my ex, she literally flipped; screaming, crying, it was a drama show, to say the least. She never responded back to my emails, texts, nothing after she let me have it and I never heard back from her again. I was dead to her, my so-called best friend totally abandoned me, according to her it was God’s will. But I learned that it was not because of my so call backsliding, it was because I returned to the person I was married and loved at one point, it was that she could not handle it, the jealousy was too much for her to bear. Shortly after, she left her husband and began a relationship with a person she met online, who was very often in my chat room during the shows. This person is a lesbian, has a drinking problem and a loose hand, and to top it all off, she was leading on to being a believer but was not.

I learned after my return to Christ when I contacted my “Bestie” after a year and a half had passed, to inform her of the good news, thinking she would be pleased and we could resume our friendship, of the things she had engaged in with this woman. This was during the time I was very ill, and could have used my best friend, whom I thought had abandoned me because of God, but was actually being controlled and not allowed to speak to me by this person, who was having an intimate relationship with my “Bestie”. She informed me they had sexual relationships a few times, but she could not come out and admit to me that she is gay, and made it out to be no big deal. Explaining that it only happened a few times while they were drunk. A “Godly Women” having alcohol and engaging in sex with another female? Something is very wrong with that picture. In addition, I was also informed that this woman became violent on several occasions with her and could not stand her son. Her boy has lots of mental challenges due to vaccines, is highly hyper, boisterous, and has behavioral issues. Needless to say, I was shocked, especially after learning that the reason she did this was that she got upset at what I had done, returning with my ex, therefore, she settled for another friendship which leads to intimate encounters, making her sin and losing her integrity.

Now, things got worse and my friend had to leave her newfound girlfriend and went to live with her parents because the violence and fights were too heavy due to my coming back into my “besties” life. The woman became enraged that my bestie and I were communicating again. she took a flight to her parents and we proceeded to video chat catching up and sharing what had happened since we last spoke. It was all to weird, she was crying, kept asking me if I would move in with her at her parents, that she needed intimacy, being held at night, and that she had gone to this person because she couldn’t stand the thought that she had lost me. Mind you the crying fits, lasted for a few days, and I felt very uncomfortable, all my hunches were right, she wanted more than just a friendship. She even wanted for us to get a bigger RV so that her son would have plenty of room and not be a distraction.

Now listen folks, I am floored, I feel betrayed lied to because the way I learned about all of this is after a week of her not really communicating with me and being rather distant, it was disturbing, to say the least. I had learned that a few weeks ago where she had asked me what I thought about her going back to her husband, I said that I was glad and that she should return home to her husband, furthermore, telling her that her son needs a father, yes, you should go back, instead of hanging out at your parents. She became very distant and would not even return my texts after that, expressing her disapproval of my suggestion. She proceeded to make excuses of why she did not want to go back to him, telling me that her husband beat her and was abusive, something she had never mentioned before and I was her best friend, should I not have known about this sooner? So now, the girlfriend she moved in with, beats her as well as her husband? What is going on here? Is she a liar? In our last interaction when I pointed that out to her, she mentioned that she had thrown something first and that is why she beat her. So she antagonizes people?

Our Bible studies stopped, we use to do them 3 times a week but she kept making excuses, such as there was too much noise in her house, too tired, always sleeping, not feeling well, etc. I didn’t find out about her going back to her ex-girlfriend, till yesterday. She became all weird and irate, not wanting to talk to me, because she knew I was not going to handle her decision well, especially after all she had told me went on with this woman.

I will be making a show about this, it is crucial, for me as a sister in Christ, and seeing that this person who moderated my shows, and pretended to be a woman of God, scorned me and distanced herself from me during my backsliding, only to now mock our Father, this not only saddens me but frustrates me as well. I have reached out to others who knew her, we must make her accountable. She has a son who should not be exposed to a violent drunk and seeing his mother engaging in same-sex relationships. She claims she is not gay, that she just wants intimacy, being held at night, and so on. I say you have your son, and his father which in and of itself is a tragedy, that she has taken his son away from him like that, all to chase some weird fantasy.

This is wrong on all levels, and it is my business because she lied to me, I felt used, thinking I had a friend who actually wanted more from me and because I wouldn’t play ball, she settled for a person who is abusive and a drunk, yet now, my friend claims that her girlfriend has quit drinking and found God. Really? All in a span of 2 months after stalking her, and not leaving her alone, all of a sudden she is a different person? I lived in the LGBT community for 40 years or so, I know what Lesbians want, and they will do and say anything to get it. I am saddened, I will be praying and asking all of you to do the same. She needs to do the right thing, her son needs her father and visa versa. A good Godly woman would return back to her husband, instead of believing a woman who has a drinking problem, and she would rather take her chances with her than with the father of her child. This is wrong on all levels, especially for a woman who has portrayed herself as such a woman of God.

About Mark Angelo Lives

Life changes, we can grow or stay stuck where we are, I choose to feel and to make mistakes as I grow. Mark Angelo is a broadcaster, musician, writer, educator, and believer in Love/Christ And Spiritual Growth. As a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Master Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Occupational Therapist, I have taken wellness one step further. If you enjoy my work feel free to donate via PayPal or become a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TransitionRadioShow


4 thoughts on “Intimacy With The Same Gender Is A Slippery Slope

  1. Are you sure you’re not a teenager? You gossip like one. Couldn’t be more any more obvious who you’re talking about. If you’re genuinely concerned about the child then contact child protective services. But I think it’s just you airing dirty laundry in public again.


    Posted by Bratwurst | March 23, 2021, 1:13 pm
    • Oh, I’m sure I am not a child, but I am a blogger, a concern human who has been ignored by this person, so I felt this was my way to get her attention and to make her accountable. She hides behind a fake name on YT, is never honest, yet claims to be a godly woman. I tried to speak to her on the phone, she refuses because she doesn’t want to hear it. She knows she is wrong in her choices. She needs to go back home to her husband the father of her child. Its against the law for her to do what she is doing.
      I was encouraged by another fellow Christian to do this, to make public, people need to be accountable for their actions. Frankly, this could be you the person I’m speaking about or their newfound lover. God will deal with you and I pray he has mercy.

      I don’t want her child being taken, I want her to come to her senses.


      Posted by Maritza Cummings Lives | March 23, 2021, 1:33 pm
    • I wanted to add that if I would have stayed silent her blood and actions would be on my hands. I’m a public person, I have shared my life on many platforms this is not gossip but true happenings of my life and those around me. She was supposed to be my best friend but she chose her flesh desires over God and me. She knows that going back to this woman would mean no further communication with me, not because of me but because vapor pharm that’s who lured her into the life of sin, would not allow her to.
      You don’t play with fire and not expect to be burnt. I know the violence my so-called friend was exposed to by this violent drunk, and I know how this is going to end.
      I was betrayed and she knows it, we talked about it in the past, that she would never go back to her own vomit but she did.


      Posted by Maritza Cummings Lives | March 23, 2021, 2:10 pm
    • oh, and she will not remain anonymous we will be saying who it is, there will be three of us on Thursday’s show, she will be made accountable.


      Posted by Maritza Cummings Lives | March 23, 2021, 5:14 pm

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