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A Message To The Christian Nationalists & Conservatives

Photo by imustbedead on Pexels.com

I am going to be blunt, to the point, and very honest in what I am about to say here. For the longest time, I have had a love-hate relationship with the Christian faith. I have been trying to figure myself out and understand the dynamics of this relationship and figure things out from the very core and the deepest root. When I was young, I was exposed to God and taught to fear him, learn to feel shame for who I am, and tried to put my feelings aside, while only seeing the black-and-white aspects of the religious world I was forced to live in. It took years to break free from it all, and honestly, there is only hate left. Now let me explain, I know hate is a very powerful word, but nonetheless, a word with lots of emotions in it. A word that clearly depicts the most internal feelings that one can hope to feel after being hurt in deeper ways than one can ever imagine. As children, we are easily traumatized by the things adults say and do, hence I believe that those who are raised in any form of Christianity, I was raised Jehovahs Witness, are set up for failure and deal with post-traumatic stress syndrome that is invasively destructive and undeniably erosive.

In my opinion, I think it’s time for people to speak up against Christianity of all kinds, including the Catholic faith. You all have done so much harm in the world, all in the name of your God, arrogance, and self-righteous behavior, and it is time for you to face your judgment. You push your bible, and your teachings as if they were the truth when in reality there is absolutely no shred of evidence that it is. I don’t know how you all have gotten away with it for this long, but let me tell you, it’s time for it to stop. What is it going to take to stop you, a class action law suite against all churches and organizations as well as personal implications for the harm you all do as a body and as a church? You all have so much to be accountable for and continue to do so. The amount of scandals, molestation cases, and witch hunts you all are responsible for, should be enough to deter people from even taking any of you seriously. It’s a circus, laughable at best, and now with this Christian Nationalism taking place, overrunning politics, the corruption is off the chains.

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You don’t get to tell people how to live their lives, you don’t get to push your views, beliefs, and dogma on the public, not in politics, not in schools, nowhere. You want to believe in your God, your bible, by all means, but keep it far away from us all. Between the Crusades, the Colonizations, and the indoctrination you all have been pushing for eons, the harm, and mental anguish your religion has placed on this planet and its people are enough to put your leaders under lock and key, and your message is never to be taken seriously or heard again. You have crossed the lines and it’s time for someone to put you all in your place. America is not a Christian nation, unbeknownst to you, there are thousands of different beliefs and nationalities that make up this country. You all unrightfully took what wasn’t yours, and as if that wasn’t enough, you pushed your dogmatic filth on the natives and anyone that set foot in this cursed country. A country that has pushed its politics, religion, and way of life throughout the world, and like a virus has spread, having no mercy or respect for anyone that doesn’t fit your synthetically created world and false belief systems.

Now I know I don’t just speak for myself. I know there are many who are appalled at the latest turn of events, how you all have gotten braver, louder, and are overstepping your boundaries. Trying to control women’s bodies, human sexuality, and gender expression. How did you become the authority on righteous behavior, when you all know as well as I do, that the Church has many skeletons in its closet, that there is not one of you that can hold their head with dignity and say you practice what you preach, not a one, the hypocrisy is unbearable. So please do us all a favor and cease and desist from this outrageously embarrassing behavior you are engaged in, and leave us all the fuck alone. We don’t want a world that is run by conservatives, religious zealots, and a fascist regime. There is a new age on the horizon, one that doesn’t include Christianity or anything to do with your biblical god. The Dawn is here, the age of Aquarius, and your Jesus/Yahweh character is not part of the plan. The star seeds are here to change the frequency of the planet, and there is definitely no room for your kind of religion or ways.

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With your focus on biology, something most of you don’t even understand, the notion that love can only be one-way placing people in a box as well as your limited understanding of evolution and how Mother Earth has a plan that overrides your limited god, and beliefs; the time to unveil the fantastical changes that are upon us is now. Although you believe that men cannot become women and vice versa, you fail to understand that the original creation, read your bible carefully, it denotes that we were once both man and woman in one, and your Yahweh tinkered with the true creator’s creation and split us up. We are constantly searching for our other half, our twin flame, and if you dig deep, you see that we have the makeup of both. Learn true reproductive development, learn how our environment has produced quite the conundrum from all the endocrine disruptive chemicals that affect our reproductive organs and the innermost identity that is the right of our soul to express its truth and no god or religion will ever interfere with that; because it is the essence of development and the reason we are here today unraveling the curiosity of our creators, he/she created us in their image, and we are now celebrating with them, our newfound glory of who we are and will forever be.

Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels.com

About Mark Angelo Lives

Life changes, we can grow or stay stuck where we are, I choose to feel and to make mistakes as I grow. Mark Angelo is a broadcaster, musician, writer, educator, and believer in Love/Christ And Spiritual Growth. As a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Master Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Occupational Therapist, I have taken wellness one step further. If you enjoy my work feel free to donate via PayPal or become a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TransitionRadioShow


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