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Transition Not Always A Good Choice

I am more than empathetic with individuals in the trans community and care about their well-being and health. I was a fierce advocate back in 2004 when trans visibility was nil to none. I placed my spouse at the time in danger and risked my business and safety being part of the many TV shows, documentaries, and publications in order to help educate regarding trans issues. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL512BF1B91EE84427

But as the years went by, and I saw how little transitioning actually helped individuals with gender dysphoria, having lost many of my trans friends to suicide and health issues, even after successfully transitioning, I learned that the path of transition is not at all what it is cut out to be. There are many co-morbid conditions that are being overlooked and ignored and a lack of significant objective testing to prevent mistakes being made with a false diagnosis that lead to many detranstitioning or being hurt. Listen, there are many people who live with disabilities, some are stuck in a wheelchair and unable to move, wishing they had a working body to freely navigate life, yet there is nothing anyone can do to bring back the function of their legs and body. There are people who live with horrific deformities who are unable to change their situation, but they learn how to survive and deal with what life has dealt them. Why can’t those individuals who feel they are born in the wrong body find a less drastic path or solution? At least let’s keep children out of this mess and wait till they reach maturity and are able to make sound decisions for themselves when they are of age. There are many who later regret their choices and are now stuck with irreversible damage and a life of medical issues.

Look I get it, it’s hard to want to be someone else, and want a different body than the one you were born with, it can be painful and heartbreaking for many. But what I have learned having transitioned in 2003 is that removing certain parts of our bodies and taking dangerous chemicals does not make life easier, everything is not about gender, looks, or validation, there is more to life than that. In addition, children are being affected by this movement, parents are using any excuse to be part of this trans train and taking advantage of a situation that 30 years ago would have landed them in jail.

There is actually a mother in Alabama who has a Go Fund Me page to get her 15-year-old biological daughter relocated to another state in order to continue hormone therapy since now it is a felony to treat minors who identify as trans. https://www.newsweek.com/mom-forced-leave-alabama-transgender-medication-ban-kay-ivey-sb184-1697966 How many children and teens are fighting for their life with an incurable disease and can’t get any help or the same type of advocacy being promoted around trans issues? In my opinion, we are really devolving as a species when we consider hormone therapy and surgeries to remove healthy body parts in the name of gender confusion, in young teens who are still not well developed and can’t be taken seriously regarding these life-altering decisions. I say shame on the parents who are supporting this and worse promoting it. We need to deal with this pandemic in a different way. We need to understand the etiology of it all and go about it in a more humanitarian and scientific manner. These doctors are using children as guinea pigs and leading a eugenics program of sorts. If you are an adult of sound mind then I have no problems with you, I don’t believe you will get what you bargain for but the choice is yours and yours alone. I am, however, against the extensive medicalization transitioning will bring on people’s lives, but if you are an adult then it’s your choice, but leave the children alone.

About Mark Angelo Lives

Life changes, we can grow or stay stuck where we are, I choose to feel and to make mistakes as I grow. Mark Angelo is a broadcaster, musician, writer, educator, and believer in Love/Christ And Spiritual Growth. As a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Master Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Occupational Therapist, I have taken wellness one step further. If you enjoy my work feel free to donate via PayPal or become a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TransitionRadioShow


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