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The Deception

When we take a look at what is happening in our world today, it’s like experiencing a psychotic mind that is playing endless scenes with a collaboration of voices and people who appear to be at war with themselves and each other. For example, you go to the gym and you have countless televisions playing … Continue reading

The Conscious Doesn’t Lie

When people find themselves feeling defensive by words spoken to them by believers in Christ, the reaction clearly states what is happening in their souls. I know this too well, I have been on the receiving end and it feels like Holy Water being splashed on our hearts. No one wants to hear the truth, … Continue reading

Violations Of Creation

Clip to an important section Article https://www.transgendertrend.com/sajid-javid-to-launch-urgent-inquiry-into-gender-treatment-for-children/?fbclid=IwAR1_Qzj4ZvSz_W-ac9ypXw_epb5mJvB_7cytbZLAuvilLecdhXmbRu5edV0

Transition Not Always A Good Choice

I am more than empathetic with individuals in the trans community and care about their well-being and health. I was a fierce advocate back in 2004 when trans visibility was nil to none. I placed my spouse at the time in danger and risked my business and safety being part of the many TV shows, … Continue reading

The Reality Is

Once upon a time the word gender and sex meant the same thing, we knew without a shadow of a doubt who was a man and who was a woman, who was a boy, and who was a girl. Feelings had absolutely nothing to do with facts, and there was no fear of being ganged … Continue reading

The Great Deception

In the last 10 years or so, I have been seeing a shift in humanity, one that worries me beyond measure. We have been desensitized, made vulnerable, and have had our intelligence compromised. The things we are witnessing today are nothing less than a remake of the twilight zone. People are losing their minds and … Continue reading

Live And Die By The Sword