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Get Over Yourselves

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I really don’t like coming from a place of anger and defense, but it is really hard to put aside the feelings that arise, as we deal with people in social media that feel we owe them something. We have made lots of mistakes, for which we have apologized. Many of these people seem not to want to accept that apology and want our head on a platter.  No matter what we say or do there are always those who troll our channel, say unacceptable things, and spread further negativity regarding our character.

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Look I get it, we have challenged your beliefs, you have felt deceived and are very confused about our decisions in life, but this is not your problem, nor should you take the liberty to do what you are doing. After all, we are just two people who have been very public on social media and have shared the good, the bad and the ugly on YouTube and well, every possible social platform. But with all of that, that does not give you the right to be unkind, judgemental and rude. We have just as much right to breathe and walk around this planet like you. You don’t like what we have done, said or just who we are, tuff, you don’t get to dictate our lives or attempt to shame us. Worry about your own life, and stop budding in, in ours.

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We are here to grow, learn and experience life the way we know-how. If you happen to enter our space, maybe became obsessed with us, which frankly, is the case for most who come across us, to then find some sort of beef with us, due to our changes, which you can’t handle, to then demonize us at all cost.

You can’t place us in a box, it is not up to you to set us straight, or tell us how to live. Respect the fact that we are all different, and are entitled to our views and beliefs, which are subject to change. You may not be able to handle change, but we are not you, and you are not us.

I am sorry you can’t handle who we are, what we do or say, I suggest to stop listening to our words and watching our videos, but you can’t, because deep down inside, we intrigue you and there is this fascination that borders envy, why else would you be so invested in trolling every video we ever appear in. Many of you who are reading this who are not one of our trolls, may not believe this, but there are people that have been following me sine 2006, have interfered in our relationship. You can’t make this stuff up.

All I have to say is, I pity you, and I do wish that you, all the trolls,  are able to find purpose in your lives and stop trying so hard to tear us down. We are not going to go away, so either find a hobby or maybe spend some time on healing yourselves. That spark that we have placed inside of you, use it to heal you, instead of deflecting and projecting all the hate on to us.

We will not take the abuse, and hold the right to block and delete your comments, after all, you don’t have the guts to show who you truly are, and frankly, we are tired of reading comments from an anonymous troll.

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Photo by Designecologist on Pexels.com

About Mark Angelo Lives

Life changes, we can grow or stay stuck where we are, I choose to feel and to make mistakes as I grow. Mark Angelo is a broadcaster, musician, writer, educator, and believer in Love/Christ And Spiritual Growth. As a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Master Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Occupational Therapist, I have taken wellness one step further. If you enjoy my work feel free to donate via PayPal or become a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TransitionRadioShow


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