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adventure, awakening, healhty lifestyle, health, nomads, prius, spirituality, Uncategorized

The Great Adventure

We are about to embark on one of the most amazing journeys ever. South Florida has been a great home to us both for the past year and few months, there have been lots of ups and downs, and some incredibly great moments, but the time for change has arrived. We turned in our lease, our little red Corolla and purchases a Prius, it’s more our style for protecting our planet, going simple and being afforded the mileage without worry, since the Prius is highly economical and outstandingly green.

We will be leaving Florida to the great unknown, stay tuned for more information which we will be reported on this blog:


If you are wondering who Gyspy Blue is, well she is our new ride who will be taking us to many wonderful destinations in and out of the US, anywhere she can tote us and our minimalist possessions around.  With a hefty 51 plus miles per hour on the highway, and 60 in the city that would be lots of places to cover and to enjoy.

There are many great adventures to be had and lots of potential projects we will embark on while being mobile to pursue our many passions, dreams, and desires.


May the journey begin…..

About Mark Angelo Lives

Life changes, we can grow or stay stuck where we are, I choose to feel and to make mistakes as I grow. Mark Angelo is a broadcaster, musician, writer, educator, and believer in Love/Christ And Spiritual Growth. As a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Master Personal Trainer, Life Coach, and Occupational Therapist, I have taken wellness one step further. If you enjoy my work feel free to donate via PayPal or become a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TransitionRadioShow


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