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Ty Herndon Out Of Line

I have been a victim of sexual abuse and harassment all of my life, you would think things would have changed when I transitioned from female to male but sadly they have not. Every time I visit a Gay bar in the past when I was single and or now with my wife, there is … Continue reading

Spiritual Frauds

Since this whole Trump saga, I have seen a bunch of people claiming that he is the one that will expose the White Hats and Cabal, and there is a group of so-called spiritual people claiming Trump is the chosen one and are parading him as if he was the Massiah. I find it rather amusing … Continue reading

Conscious Awaken

It appears that our species is going through some growing pains and although many are still very dead asleep, the turn of events has created a mass awakening and unsettling amongst the natives.  Most people have been entrenched in materialism and too focused on themselves, their materialistic image, and forgotten about building up their spiritual … Continue reading

Chill The Gender

Where has this all come from? This whole concept of gender, changes, equality, differences, anger, fear, frustration, confusion, well you get what I mean. Where did it all begin? And why are we where we are today, it seemed we were making progress, to then take a giant leap back? How has humanity landed on … Continue reading

Lost to Follow-Up/How Far Can You Follow Me?

Endocrine Disruption: Personality Traits

As an Occupational Therapist, my curriculum was based not only on rehabbing physical ailments but to also engage in the individual’s mental status to ensure a proper and smooth transition to their home and work life.  I found myself totally amazed at human behavior, be it “normal” or abnormal.  To this day, I find patterns, and … Continue reading